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Our Inspiration

Laurette’s Legacy

Laurette was more than our mother; she was a beacon of creativity, strength, and perseverance. Born and raised on the vibrant shores of the Caribbean, she embodied the spirit of her heritage, carrying it with her into every endeavor. Laurette believed deeply in the power of creativity as a tool for empowerment and a means to overcome adversity. Her life was a testament to the idea that art transcends barriers—it connects, it empowers, and it inspires.


Growing up under Laurette’s guidance, we were instilled with a profound appreciation for our roots and an unwavering belief in the transformative power of creativity. Her legacy is the foundation upon which Laurette’s Lighthouse is built—a sanctuary for Caribbean creatives and a platform for artists and entrepreneurs who are often overlooked and undervalued.


At Laurette’s Lighthouse, our mission is to shine a light on the vast talent within the Caribbean community, providing artists and creators with the resources, support, and visibility they deserve. Our vision extends beyond mere recognition; we strive to foster an environment where creativity is nurtured, celebrated, and integral to community development.


We are committed to:

  • Supporting and Showcasing Caribbean Talent: 

From visual artists and musicians to writers and innovators, Laurette’s Lighthouse serves as a platform to showcase diverse creative expressions.

  • Empowering Through Education and Resources:

We provide workshops, mentorships, and funding opportunities to equip creatives with the tools they need to succeed.

  • Building a Vibrant Community:

By connecting artists with one another and with global audiences, we help forge a supportive network that thrives on collaboration and mutual support.

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Join us as we honor Laurette’s memory by supporting the brilliance and diversity of Caribbean creatives. Together, we will light up the world with their art and continue the legacy of a woman who believed in the power of every individual to make an impact.

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